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"Les Cultures du Monde" one of the best Folklore Festival experience - Raissa Sofía Torrico Valverde

Festival Focus: View of former participant in the Gannat Festival

Name: Raissa Sofía Torrico Valverde Group: Ballet Folclórico de la Universidad Católica Boliviana - Regional La Paz (BFUCB) Country: Bolivia Year participated in the Gannat Festival: 2015, 2017, 2018

BollyOz interviewed Raissa Sofía Torrico Valverde from Bolivia's Ballet Folclórico de la Universidad Católica Boliviana - Regional La Paz (BFUCB). Raissa has participated in Les Cultures Du Monde, one of the world's biggest folklore festival that takes place in Gannat, France each year, and it is in its 47th year now. The ANCM was founded by Jean Roche, and the current President of the festival is Luc Roche

Best memory of Gannat Festival:

Raissa: Feelings in Gannat are just inexplicable, and knowing that my case is quite special since I had the chance to participate in the Festival many times, as an artist, as a volunteer guide and also as a spectator since 2015, choosing my dearest memory of the Festival is very difficult. However, what I will always cherish are the bonds of friendship that we manage to create and strengthen over time and across borders with the artists, organizers, volunteers and spectators... So, THANKS, to all of them, for making every year the Gannat Festival, the magical experience it has been for so long!

What did you like about the Gannat Festival?

"Les Cultures du Monde" is a great experience in general, but something that I really have to highlight about this Festival in particular is that, because of its essence, it is amazing to see, every year, how so many countries and cultures can connect with each other and create together a unique and strong feeling of integration in just 10 days! The whole Gannat atmosphere is always so warm when it comes to welcome artists from all over the world, that it is impressive how the Festival gets always to make us very emotional even when we are just remembering it.

I totally recommend the whole Gannat experience to all the artists, volunteers and spectators that are wishing to live an extraordinary adventure and travelling around the world, but also that are wanting to expand their cultural knowledge and make new friendships! "Les Cultures du Monde" Festival is with no doubt one of the best festivals I have ever been to because of its values, its organization and, of course, its people!


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